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How To Avoid Burnout in 4 Easy Steps

This is a difficult time of year for many of us. Deadlines are looming and our bodies are needing a well-deserved break from everything (read: late nights binging the new season of Queer Eye). Here are some ways to relax and avoid feeling physically and mentally exhausted.


Practice mindfulness

The concept of mindfulness, or meditation, are now mainstream and apps such as Headspace and Calm have changed the mental wellbeing game. Begin by practicing meditation regularly to build up a habit. Make sure to casually mention to all of your friends that you practice meditation and recommend it whenever they complain about literally anything. Stressed about work? Meditate. Got the flu? Meditate. Broken leg? You already know what to do.


Read Your Horoscope

Our star signs can tell a lot about who we are. It’s science. You don’t need to look that up. Instead, google your daily, weekly, monthly and yearly horoscope and internalise everything according to your own needs and wants. The Moon gently connects with Mercury this month, and since your rising is in Pisces, you are likely to receive great news from your place of work and/or study. See? It’s already working. Get distracted and start looking into how compatible your crush’s star sign is to yours. Get mad because it’s not 100%. Keep looking for a website that reaffirms your own beliefs. Feeling less anxious already.


Align Your Chakras

We all have seven chakras within ourselves and realigning them can give us a sense of peace. In order to achieve this, you must know how to do basic yoga moves, chant phrases you will never understand, and drink grass-tasting tea that is weirdly only marketed to women. Research the whole chakras aligning process for a few hours and you’ll get a good sense of what it all means. Or give up and put The Office on.


Kon-Mari Your Room

Netflix has made a whole show out of Marie Kondo’s brilliant book on tidying up, so you don’t have to read it. Instead, you can judge other people’s messy homes and get storage tips for your socks, all while you sit comfortably on your sofa covered in cheese toastie crumbs. Try out some of Kondo’s techniques yourself. Empty your whole wardrobe and pile the clothes on the bed. Realise folding is mind-numbingly boring and dump the rest on “the chair” (or your piece of furniture of choice) where it will be swallowed whole by forces outside your understanding.

Do you feel that? It’s called living in the moment.