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How to Prioritise your Health over Christmas Break

You will have definitely started to hear jingle bell rock play in stores and have spotted a festive light or two – which can only really mean one thing – Christmas is coming!

But what does this actually mean? A few extra beers at that Christmas night out ‘because its Christmas’ or opening more than one door a day on your advent calendar ‘because it’s Christmas’ or taking advantage of seconds and thirds at Christmas dinner ‘because it’s Christmas’? Believe it or not, those ‘it’s Christmas’ calories still count and can really contribute to an unwanted Santa’s belly come the new year.

Here’s a few tips you can use to prioritise your health over the Christmas period;

Tip 1.  Don’t overindulge – If you wouldn’t normally eat three cupcakes in one day, don’t feel the need to eat three cupcakes in a day in December just because they are ‘sprinkled with reindeer dust’

Tip 2. Watch the drink – Christmas nights out are all fun and games until someone’s in the ER getting their stomach pumped. Try limiting your drink count to something you can handle, or having a glass of water in-between drinks (which will keep you hydrated and less likely to have a bad hangover) and try switching your drinks too! Beer and ciders have a high-calorie count so try switching to spirits with diet mixers. Prosecco is also very low in calories and also more delicious when mixed with diet lemonade!

Tip 3. You’re not hungry, you’re just dehydrated – This tip actually applies all year round too. Find yourself reaching for a snack too often between meals? Chances are your body is crying out to be rehydrated. Drink some water and if you ‘hate’ water try adding some diluting juice. If that still doesn’t do the trick, snack on some green veg or a handful of nuts until your next meal.

Tip 4. MOVE! – Walking for just 15 minutes a day can help you live a healthier life. For example, regular brisk walking can help you maintain a healthy weight and prevent or manage various health conditions. Especially if you plan on shoving in the mince pies at the office party, consider moving more to even the score.

Tip 5. Rest Day – Just like frequent gym-goers need a rest day for their muscles and joints to recover, serial party animals should also consider a rest day so their body can get back to normal working function. When hungover, have some toast in the morning to soak up any excess alcohol, re-hydrate, take an ibuprofen, eat some green veg, and try some light exercise. It will make re-reading your embarrassing texts from last night more bearable if you’re not fighting the whitey.

Of course, Christmas is indeed for friends, booze and mince pies, just don’t overdo it. Know your limits and know how to look after your body. – Festive hug, Bethany xo


Cover Picture Image Credit- Flikr User Anne J