News & Features

Free Student Transport Survey

The Glasgow Student Forum (The Network of Student Unions from across Glasgow and the West of Scotland) have begun to investigate the feasibility of free public transport. They believe that students are paying too much on transport, whether it be travelling by train, bus or subway. They want to set their aims high and come up with some form of resolutions for students.


The below survey is to scope how students travel regularly. They want to find out how much students are typically spending and how they regularly commute, as well as finding out how far students travel from. I know that I’m not the only student infuriated that I cannot use my 16-25 student card before 10 am as realistically students travel earlier than this which makes student life expensive.


Once the survey is closed they will analyse the data and find out what the trends are and find out what their focuses will be and they will launch a discussion on free public transport.


Glasgow is striving to become a UNESCO world education city and having free public transport would allow for this to happen.


By taking this survey you will be in the chance to win £100! 

Please fill in the survey to assist the Glasgow Student Forum in their work:


Feature Photo by Ross Sneddon on Unsplash