
Spirituality and Wellness Gift Guide

We all know how good Christmas can make us feel – spending time with friends and family is a wonderful way to surround yourself with cheer, and passing on that festive feeling with a well thought of gift that you know they’ll love is one of the best parts of the day. So why not gift your spiritual friends just what they’ll need to keep feeling just as good throughout the new year to come? Check out our list of the top Christmas gifts for those mindful souls, experienced and beginners alike.

Astro Moon Diary from Astrocal – £17.99 Amazon

Image: Amazon

This gorgeous diary is the perfect way to keep track of all your work, university and social commitments – and track the moon cycle at the same time. Packed full of information and colourful illustrations, this small book provides astrological and planetary forecasts, dates for the full moon cycle including eclipses, full, new and half-moons and even lets you know when the sun and moon rise and set each day.

Image: Amazon

An educational treasure trove that’s perfect for beginners and experienced astrologers, this diary provides a quick and easy opportunity to keep track of what’s going on with the stars. If you don’t have the space in your bag, that’s absolutely fine; the moon diary is available as an ebook so you access it directly from your phone.


Scented candles from Lindsay Lucas Candles  – £8.99 Etsy

Image: Easy

A staple in most homes, candles can be used in a variety of ways. Never underestimate the power of a warm, homely scent. A similar concept to healing gemstones, candles are infused with specific plants and minerals to make a combination that suits just about any need – you can even make your own. Need to reduce stress? Why not light a honeysuckle and jasmine candle while you’re snuggled up away from the cold. If a more floral scent is more your thing, try lavender, rose, and chamomile. A comforting cinnamon candle is well known for warming you up and helping you wind down during the Christmas period.


Himalayan Salt Lamp – Starting from £10.99 Amazon

Image: Pixaby

These decorative lamps have a distinctive look and a warming glow that looks great in any home. Made from salt believed to be millions of years old, these lamps are ‘natural ionizers,’ which are believed to work miracles on clearing the air up in your home, soothing allergies, improving your mood and even helping you sleep better. Their soft and comforting glow when on is enough to make anyone feel relaxed itself.


Crystal water bottle from Bewater – £25.99 Bewater

Image: Bewater

These unique, re-usable water bottles are at the heart of the feel-good movement. These stunning, hardy bottles mean you can keep healing gemstones with you wherever you go, without them being loose in your bag. You can choose from a variety of healing gemstones designed to target a range of emotional needs, or you can choose one with a changeable insert, so you can switch out your gemstones as and when needed. They even have a zodiac collection!


The Little Crystal Kit: Crystals to attract love, wellbeing and spiritual harmony into your life – £10.00 Waterstones

Image: Waterstones

This handy beginner guide contains everything you need to know about how to enhance your life with the healing powers of crystals. Focused on 15 key crystals with properties to improve relationships, bring you wealth and help you in your spiritual practices, this guide gives you everything you need to know about how to choose, use and cleanse your chosen crystal. The kit even comes with a piece of Green Aventurine, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, and Citrine, so you can start your collection off quickly and easily.