
Perfecting Your Perfume

We all have our favourite fragrance that we reach for at the start of the day. However, sometimes the scent doesn’t last as long as we’d hoped considering the price we pay – here’s how to change that!

 Tip Number One- Rub Vaseline onto your pulse points before applying your desired perfume, then lightly spray the area with your fragrance of choice. The scent will stick to the Vaseline, making your perfume last all day!

Tip Number Two- One tip people don’t know is that where you store your perfumes can majorly impact on their ability to last throughout the day. Avoid storing them in damp, warm places. Heat, light, and humidity will break down the perfume and lessen the quality of the fragrance. Instead, store them in cool, dry places like your room – ensuring they are away from windows. Bonus tip: Use a pretty cake stand to display them.

Tip Number Three- Don’t dab the fragrance on your wrists after spraying. If you rub your wrists together, you’ll force the top notes to disappear faster than intended and as a result, make your fragrance notes last as long.

Tip Number Four- Target pulse points and warm areas on your body when spraying perfume. To make your scent last longer, choose a couple target areas (not all of them at once) from the list below to spritz.

  •  On your wrists
  • Inside your elbows
  •  On your neck
  •  Below your midriff
  •  Behind your knees
  •  On your ankles and calves

The warm areas indicated will help diffuse the fragrance across your entire body, and spraying your ankles and calves will allow the scent to last you throughout the day.

Feature Image Credit- Flikr User Tina M. Steele