Arts & Culture

Glasglow Brings Sparkle to Botanic Gardens

It’s the honest truth that nothing gets people of Glasgow in the festive spirit more than lots of twinkly lights and hot chocolate, and this year Glasglow really hit the nail on the head (even if it was only October). For two weeks, Botanic Gardens was transformed into a glowing world of adventure and magic, telling fantasy tales about fire-breathing dragons, an enchanted talking tree and some creepy dolls- because nothing says Halloween like a scary broken doll on a swing. 

From the team that brought you the highly successful Itison drive-in movies at Loch Lomond shores, Glasglow brought a little sparkle to the long dark nights as winter began to creep in. From the bottom of Byres Road you could see bright lights reflecting on the dark sky, and upon getting closer, the excited chatter of groups of friends, families and small children alike, all bundled up against the sharp night air. Movie-like music was playing from every corner of the park, making you feel like you were in one yourself, but that was only part of the amazing spectacle we were about to experience.

 First up was the elusive and cheeky fire-breathing dragon, much to the delight of all the small children who were begging their dads to get on their shoulders in the hopes of catching a glimpse. Further along the trail there was a light-up moon, signposted with ‘Perfect for an Instagram pic’ that had couples queuing for miles. There was also a graveyard with what can only be described as ‘dad jokes’ scrawled on the headstones- a personal favourite was ‘Here lies the woman that fell off a cliff- Eileen Dover’. There were plenty of food pit stops along the way, serving delicious churros, burgers and even a gourmet marshmallow stall, complete with fire pits for roasting. However, the grand finale really stole the show- a sea of flashing and twinkly lights covering one of the major hills in the gardens.

 An immersive and spectacular experience for any age, Glasglow is the perfect way to spend a dark winter’s night and the world-class show the team have put together really shines a light on how magical Glasgow can be.