Arts & Culture

‘The Room’

Review Score – 5 stars

Category – Musical Theatre

Sometimes at the Fringe you just take a risk and go and see something out with your comfort zone or usual genres purely to see if you’ll like it or not. Thankfully I did, for never has 50 minutes went by so quickly and I have a new appreciation for musical theatre through this amazing one woman performance and brilliantly directed show.

The Room is a musical beautifully written by Alexander Abbott, starring the awesome Louise Thomas and directed by Greg Fitch. The show tells the story of a girl, played by Thomas, who is alone in a room and throughout the 50 minutes it explains who she is, why she is there and gives the sole protagonist through song opportunity to vocalise the anguish, conflict and torment the character endures.

Louise Thomas’s performance is as brilliantly harrowing at times as she magnificently explains her character’s strife. Her range in both emotional portrayal and expression throughout is extraordinary and it is supplemented expertly by very cleverly timed musical direction and atmospheric tones. Thomas possesses a rare talent, which duels an amazingly talented voice alongside a skilled enthusiasm and empathy for the role she portrays.

Everyone associated with this fantastic piece of work should feel proud and as an audience member you are simply in for a treat.


Details of this show are listed below;

Venue:                                 PQA Venues @ Riddle’s Court – Q1

Dates:                                   Aug 12-26

Time:                                     18:00 (50 minutes)

Ticket prices:                      £11.50 (students £8.50)

Fringe box office:   

Warnings and additional info: 14+ (Guideline)